Helping you build & preserve your wealth in your retirement years.
Retirement Planning Services
Our retirement planning services help clients approach their retirement with the clarity and confidence needed to truly enjoy their post-working years.
We help with crucial retirement planning items like:
- When can you safely retire?
- How to maximize your retirement income?
- How to protect against running out of money?
- How to provide reliable paychecks after you stop working?
- How to maximize Social Security?
- How to optimize your Medicare coverage?
- How to plan for unexpected future events?
Retirement planning is all about creating a road map that is unique to you. We provide a customized, digital financial plan that allows you to see the potential impact of certain “what-if” scenarios that may be of concern to you. This could include the possibility of a long-term care event, reduced Social Security benefits, or even an extended life expectancy.
On the positive side, we can also show you how your plan looks if we add in allowances for things like travel, gifting to grandchildren, or purchasing a new car or home.
Because we specialize in working with individuals 50 and older, we are also well-versed with important topics like Social Security and Medicare, which are often misunderstood by new and aspiring retirees. We’ll guide you every step of the way to help you make the best decision possible with these two major pieces of your retirement plan.
For a free retirement analysis, click the button below to schedule a 15-minute call.
Step #1: Schedule 15-Minute Phone Call
Additional Retirement Planning Resources
What Does War Do To the Stock Market? Should You Worry?
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has left many investors worried as they wonder what will happen to their stocks during the war. That is why it is especially important during times of heightened volatility and uncertainty to remember the fundamentals of investing and the keys to mastering behavioral finance.
Monte Carlo vs. Linear Planning for Retirement Projections
Retirement planning often includes making assumptions on future unknowns. To avoid negative outcomes down the road, it’s best to understand a range of possible outcomes using either Monte Carlo simulations or a series of linear projections. Planning for retirement is both an art and a science.
Annuities: Pros, Cons, and What are They, Anyway?
Some people love them. Some hate them! So, are annuities good or are they bad? The truth is that because there are so many different types of annuities, they cannot all be characterized as either good or bad. Each annuity should be evaluated independently based on each individual’s situation.
EQ vs. IQ When Investing
The ups and downs of investing can cause some investors to experience “market fatigue.” It’s not always our balances that get beat down, but our emotions, which is why a high level of EQ (or emotional intelligence) can be more beneficial than a high IQ. The ups and downs of investing can cause some investors to experience….
7 Medicare Questions You Should Know How to Answer if You’re Over 60
Medicare covers millions of Americans, yet is still widely misunderstood. Knowing when to enroll in Medicare, what Medicare covers, and the costs associated are just a few crucial things to know as you approach Medicare eligibility. Despite Medicare insuring…
7 Social Security Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Bad Social Security advice and poor claiming strategies continue to cost retirees, especially those eligible for spousal, survivor, and divorced retirement benefits. Social Security has provided benefits to Americans for over 80 years and is a pillar of retirement in the US. However….
Identity Theft & How to Protect Against Cyber Attacks (15 Ways)
Cybersecurity may not often be included as part of wealth management, but poor practices could lead to significant financial loss. However, many cases of identity theft can be prevented with prudent practices and security measures. Identity theft is an issue that...
Should I Invest Near a Market High?
When the stock market is near an all-time high, some investors decide to exit the stock market, fearing of a possible decline. Although this is a common and logical concern, historical data shows that may not be the most prudent approach to navigating markets that are near all-time highs.
Is the 60/40 Portfolio Dead?
Portfolios with 60% stocks and 40% bonds have been a staple of investing for the last few decades, but many think these portfolios could face major challenges in the next several years. With interest rates near historic lows, successful bond investing could look much different in the future. The 60/40 portfolio has been a common strategy..
College Savings: Is a 529 Plan Right for Your Child?
A 529 College Savings Plan could be a great way to contribute to your child’s financial future, but is it the best? Tax-advantaged accounts, like 529s, also come with restrictions and less flexibility to offset their tax benefits. But, a 529 College Savings Plan isn’t your only option in saving for your….
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